today it's windy here in beijing, really windy, lean-against-the-wind-michael-jackson-smooth-criminal-windy.
when it's really windy, the fog gets blown away, which means that i can see farther than just 20 meters or so.
amongst many interesting things i noticed two things:
1) i can see where i work from my bedroom window:

2) i can see rem koolhaas' CCTV tower from the office:

... those stubs are the most massive facade steel structure i have ever seen... google what the finished building will look like and you will understand why :-)
need to hunt for food now.
Sir Vahid,
This is the first entry ever on your blog, and I definitely should have done this a long time ago - please take my apology. You are my most faithful commentor on my blog, so it's payback time, I guess (and I should update my blog too..)
It's windy here too, and it sure as heck falls to the MJ-category as well. I went running just now, listening to Mika (if you don't know him yet, you might as get his songs NOW), and it felt like not moving at all. The wind is too much in this oh so marine city.
Conference trip starts on Wednesday. Too bad y'all aren't going to be there. You would have heard my real voice, unless the wind gave me a flue again...
now that i remember.. you DID sound rusty last year!
i guess that will be the way i will always remember your voice...
strange memories in your head:) loved it!:)
you should have seen me doing the smooth criminal outside the office :-)
smooth, man
Vahid ?? tjs vivant ? la police chinoise t'as embarquée ? ... y a plus de news sur le blog snif ! Bcp de boulot je présume, courage ! MVP POWER
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