beautiful sunny day.
so at around noon-ish i decide to crawl out of bed, get cleaned up a bit (!) and leave the building for a nice walk around beijing.
i start walking due south until after 15 minutes i reach silk street market and start my sunday with a nice fast food chain hamburger... now that i had brunch, i decide to walk along the main road to the west. i know that somewhere that way, like 90 minutes walk farther, i'd get to the forbidden city.
after almost exactly 90 minutes, as i am walking by an audi dealership, i see something behind the glass that isn't supposed to be there... if it had been in a movie that i don't want to name here, it could have been a "glitch in the matrix"... anyways... i stop, pinch myself and it's really standing there. in just a split-second a thousand childhood memories are made to resurface by what i'm looking at.
i walk a few steps back towards where i was coming from, find the entrance and go in. it really is the avus! shining in all its polished aluminium splendour. the technological mother of all modern sports car. the shape of things to come.... you get the picture :-)
for all those out there who actually have a life... the avus is a concept car prototype built by audi in 1991 to proudly present to the world what they're able to develop and build.. but mostly to make little 11 year old boys drool and dream :-)
as this is my walk-day, i walk to the guy standing behind the reception desk in the back and ask him how come the avus is standing there. he looks at me with a very serious face and says:
"it came through the door"
he seems very content with his answer... so i reformulate my question to:
"why is the avus here?"
he seems to understand me now...
"oh you know the name. you are german?"
so... i'm actually standing inside audi china headquarters and the museum of so-and-so has graciously lent them the avus for six months.
i spend some time walking around the avus... take some pictures... walk back home. happy.
i never made it to the forbidden city

I wish I could have a dream and see it to come true... :)
There are no coincidences!
does that mean i should have dreamt of world peace when i was 11? well... i have a bad conscience now!
ups! i forgot to comment this one:) and if i don't you won't post anymore, right?;)
well, the only car i thought was great was michael knight's car: yes, kitt (kitty :D) oh i just remember! there was the "bad" car - karr :D
can you send a link to hi-res photos of these?! awesome car!
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