Monday, 26 February 2007

youh cahnt get ihn!

i am going to tell you about where i am and where "work" is.

let's start with a little satellite picture:

the office is inside the building which was used by the emperor to change his robes when he proceded to the temple of the sun in ritan park

as you can see my appartment's location is just perfect

there's nice pictures from the inside on the office's webpage, along with the offices address in ritan park:

this is the north gate of ritan park:

very calm, very peaceful, very ancient...

the gate leading towards the inner courtyard of the office:

a peek throuh the gate....




yes... some chinese guy who would defend that gate with his life

it turns out they moved like a month ago.

ok, after a few phonecalls, this is the NEW situation:

it turns out they moved to jianwai soho, which i pinpointed in that very same satellite picture

luckily it's still the same "area" of beijing so i don't live that far away

remember ritan park? let me show you jianwai soho:

also a park... just not the same kind

i'll be in building 15, 19th floor

building 15

the white stuff? yes beijing's foggy today

a little zoom-out:

ADDENDUM: imagine the whole scene with vavoo wearing a new shirt and a tie after getting up at 7 am


Anonymous said...

Hello Vavoo ! on te vois plus sur notre Blog, tu devrais nous mettre en favoris dessus, pour que tu nous oublies pas ;-) ... sinon on a pas tt compris à ton histoire, un résumé frenchy ferais plaisir:-)
(mis à part le gars qui doit défendre qqch au péril de sa vie:-P) ... allez à bientôt et bon courage pour le boulot !

Anonymous said...

oups, j'ai oublié de dire : Premier ;-)

bob loblow said...


bolha said...

well, it seems you already have a good story to tell:)

Anonymous said...

Coucou vavoo ! merci pour ton ptit message sur le blog, ca nous a fait plaisir! Alors comme ca tu vas pouvoir peut être visiter le chantier de la tour de Rem, chouette!Bientôt tu vas rencontrer Koolhass en personne hehe.
Au fait pq tu travails tjs pas?

allez a bientot ! tu nous manques aussi ;-)

Anonymous said...

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